Revolutionary Bioethics
Are you a philosopher or bioethicist who is frustrated with mainstream bioethical discourse? Do you fear that bioethics is no longer able to offer the kind of challenge to medical practice that led to its modern creation in the first place? Do you find that currently accepted bioethical positions make it hard for you to say or write what you really think? Do you believe that bioethics needs to be challenged or reinvented? If so, you might be interested in submitting a book proposal to the editor of a new series about bioethics to be published by Lexington Books.
Revolutionary bioethics is a new series composed of scholarly monographs and edited collections organized around specific topics that explore bioethical theory and practice through the frameworks provided by feminist ethics, narrative ethics, and virtue ethics, challenging the assumptions of mainstream bioethics in the process. Contemporary mainstream bioethics has become ideological and repetitive, a defender of activities that bioethics was originally created to critique, and an apologist for unethical practices and policies in medicine that it once saw itself as fighting against. Taking its title from recent work being done on MacIntyre's neo-Aristotelian ethics. Revolutionary Bioethics is organized around the idea that bioethics needs to reform both its theory and practice, and its goal is to begin the conversation about what a transformed bioethics - one that is unafraid to explore new theoretical approaches, and to examine and critique current bioethical practices - might look like.